How Drones Can Enhance Your Surveying Business

How Drones Can Enhance Your Surveying Business

Depending on a construction site’s size, topography and visibility, traditional surveying requires manual measurements and inputs and takes a couple of days or weeks. As a solution, drone technology can make surveying much simpler and more accurate, so you can save time and take on more clients.

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Introducing The Next Generation of Drones at SITECH

Man flying Wintra drone

Here at SITECH Southwest, we have a museum of drones hanging from our ceiling. It all starts at the door. As you walk from the front to the back, drones are ordered from old to new. Entering you will see larger, older, more complex, more expensive, and Ph.D. required drones. And as you walk toward the back of the building you will notice an evolution, ending with the newest drones on the market.

These ones are easier to fly, less expensive, and include new abilities for consistent and accurate results. They really do outperform older drones in every way.

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Drones (UAV) for Commercial Use

Have you become dependent on your UAV?

Flying drones for survey and mapping is becoming standard practice for engineers. What happens when your organization is suddenly dependent on the data your drone generates?

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Drones (UAV) for Mining 101

Often the most misunderstood but probably the most powerful use for flying drones is survey and mapping. Additionally, if you were to pick the perfect place to use UAV technology it would be a mine as drones allow you to cover larger areas of earth that are constantly changing.

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High Accuracy Drone Mapping

I have been getting quite a few questions about what I call “Static” surveys since drone mapping has become a major part of many surveyor’s toolbox. I will start by describing the general concept of why you would want to use a Static base station. I will then describe how it works and finally get into some recommendations and specifics.


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DJI PPK with Trimble Stratus for Mining

Developing a Solution

There are few places better suited for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) than mining sites. In the United States, despite all the complex rules and regulations, it is the deliverables that are driving the use of UAS. Deliverables such as near real-time topography and imagery.

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