Streamline Your Construction Projects with Rugged Trimble Machine Control Components

For fast turnaround times and increased productivity, SITECH Southwest offers a variety of rugged components to simplify your machine control system. Whether you're grading at high speeds or paving for a superior International Roughness Index (IRI), we have a solution for your construction needs. We are an authorized dealer of various Trimble machine control components for the smooth operation of your projects.

You can seamlessly integrate our solutions with any brand and type of equipment you have, boosting productivity and decreasing downtime. These machine control components present reliable technology so you can position your heavy equipment easily. Plan your earth-moving projects with precise lasers. Reference elevation accurately with sonic tracers. Transform your job site into an efficient powerhouse with SITECH Southwest and Trimble control solutions.

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Call us at 602-600-0214 to speak directly with a member of our team.

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Overview of Our Machine Control Components

Remove the guesswork from grading and measuring and predict positioning accurately with SITECH Southwest. Our control components deliver world-class quality and precision so that you can focus on getting the job done. Control your entire working site and remain on track with our integrated, productive components. Smart antennas with global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) technology and innovative displays with clear visuals can help you stay ahead throughout your projects.

Boost Control

You can increase control over your job sites with adaptive technology and integrated systems. Let our equipment do the hard work for you while you focus on productivity. Select your grading and input the required information into your in-cab control system. Increase the speed of your project lifecycle by knowing you’re accurately paving any surface. You can stay ahead by getting precise ground measurements and equipment positioning using the global positioning system (GPS) and GNSS for optimal time management. Our machine control components allow you to plan faster and increase your profitability while lowering costs.

Enjoy More Accuracy

Plan and navigate projects according to specific calculations to save you time. Our machine control components work with satellite signals. Base stations receive and correct signals from satellites. Your equipment picks up on these signals from the base stations via our machine control components. Plan your earthmoving projects and other construction jobs with antennas and displays that link and integrate with base stations and equipment for added surety. Receive accurate and clear digital terrain models on innovative displays that digitize proposed plans. Eliminate project pauses and corrections by getting automatic guidance with superior precision.

Increase Speed

Capitalize on your time and speed up projects by using machine control components that provide clear readings using reactive technology. Our smart antennas come with integrated GNSS receivers to read positioning and send and receive clear measurement and leveling data. Initialization time is fast-tracked when the satellite lock is lost to speed up waiting time. Shocks and vibrations are controlled, limiting fuel consumption and error. You’re assured that every day on your working site honors your project time constraints and stays within budget.

Versatile Application and Integration

SITECH Southwest provides Trimble machine control components for any construction project and equipment brand. Our components integrate and swap data with each other using GPS and GNSS receivers, lasers and displays for comprehensive solutions. Your equipment is fully unified with Trimble control components for convenience and maximum productivity.

Integrate our machine control components with milling equipment, asphalt pavers, dozers, scrapers, wheel loaders and more. Conduct paving and dynamic compaction control, get accurate grading measurements and manage drilling and piling from one screen. Our control components are adaptable to any job site and budget, allowing you to upgrade when needed.

Key Features of Trimble Machine Control Components

Trimble machine control components use innovative technology to increase productivity and boost revenue on construction sites. Relying on the eye or outdated equipment costs you money and elongates any construction project. Trimble components help you with accurate grading and positioning. You get faster turnaround times as GNSS receivers are optimized to present accurate measurements for any ground leveling or paving control project.

Most of the hard work is done for you by the displays that provide instructions on how to start your project with accuracy and no guesswork. Lasers provide guidance and lift control for any grading and earth-moving project, speeding up production time. Trimble allows you to work faster and with more precision with any equipment and construction project.

Request a Demo With Us

Request a demo for a more hands-on experience with our machine control components by reaching out to us. SITECH Southwest is proud to be a leading provider of Trimble construction solutions, bringing you innovative tools to simplify your job site and encourage project completion. Fill out our online form today, and one of our professional team members will follow up with you to set up an appointment for an interactive demonstration.

Contact SITECH Southwest Today to Get Started

Machine control components help you stay ahead in any construction project no matter which brand or equipment you have. For ease of use, our applications are versatile for full integration. You get accurate readings that speed up productivity, giving you more control over job sites.

When you rely on SITECH Southwest’s machine control components, you help ensure your projects are completed on time. We provide rugged construction solutions for any industry type. You can choose to receive team training to simplify onboarding. We also offer 24/7 support when you partner with us to limit downtime and get you working again as soon as possible. Contact us for more information or give us a call at 602-600-0214.

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